Thursday, March 10, 2011

No I didn't forget!

The new phone is here...I'm a big girl now. It isn't available in pink, so hopefully I can get a frilly pink cover for it. LG Quantum. So far it's pretty jazzy, but I hope it doesn't take me 3 years to figure it out.

HAHAHA Charlie Sheen is suing Warner Brothers---HAHAHA. But, he's actually finally got something right: "The suit also says that Warner Bros. fired Sheen when he was "sick," which violates State and federal law." HE SURE WAS SICK!

Confession time: I am stoked about American Idol this year. Pia, Casey, and James you are going to be stars. All the others will slowly drop away.

I am still waiting quietly for God to show me my next open door. Ok maybe not so quietly, but I'm waiting. I'm so happy making things for Laura's Corner. But sales aren't moving. I need a following! I need repeat customers and promotion. I need a huge marketing budget. :(( Soon I hope to enter craft shows locally. My dear friend Stephanie came to get her baby Aubrey's diaper cake I made, pink and frilly with flowers and bows and oh so cute. Made me happy.

What in the world is for dinner!!!???? 

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