Saturday, July 23, 2011

Who cares about the Kardashians?

I really want to know. Why them? Why not every family that has pretty sisters having their own show and fame a millions?

Looks like I will start a book. The title will be "You wanna SEE crazy?" Thoughts?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

By the way

For those wondering, if Facebook didn't have a limit of 1000 characters, I would post my experiences of the last few weeks in the hospital, i.e., the who/what/where/when/how stuff. The short of it is: I had cellulitis in my elbow as a result of a strep A infection, and since I'm allergic to many antibiotics, the only one this infection would respond to was a top-of-the-line IV antibiotic. When I came home after 7 days, I was taking an oral less-famous antibiotic along with Percoset, which didn't provide any improvement. After 8 days of being home, I returned to the infectious disease docs who referred me back to the ER for more IV antibiotics and a consult with an orthopedic doc.

In the end I was discharged again, after 3 more days in the hospital, on the same oral antibiotic and same pain meds--which I will not be using. I'm going to ignore all pain, discoloration, and swelling in my arm, unless it causes a fever again, and then I may consider calling a doctor. Otherwise, it is what it is, if I can't use my arm like I used to, so be it. Many are worse off.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaay....


So Casey Anthony is "free". I would certainly hope nobody with any sense hands over the dignity to her, by giving a rat's behind where she is. Ohio, Puerto Rico, Orlando, who cares. Murderers, child molesters, rapists, they walk free every day, we just aren't following them like we will Casey Anthony.

We all know she is a murderer set free, as several before her. But what can't be mistaken is that little girl that was found in trash bags with her blanket, how she was tossed out like garbage to be forgotten. Let's not forget that many children are abused, neglected, and abandoned every day, and Caylee is no more special than those children, but this happens to be a case of horrid injustice to a child brought to the limelight. Yes, the court did its job, but the people of the jury and the defense set aside the common sense God gave a billygoat to find this mother not guilty of murder.

Those of us that followed this case from the time this sweet-faced little one went "missing", will remember the heart-wrenching trial and verdict forever. I only wish that other missing/murdered children were as highly publicized  as this one. But this one is mere miles from my own home; From where I grew up, from where I drive around daily and take for granted all the hurting children in my own vicinity.

God bless all those that keep faith through times like these, that realize there is a God who is in control and overpowering all disgusting acts committed by parents toward their children. And God bless Caylee who is certainly at His right hand as her mother roams free, living the beautiful life.

As a little tangent: I feel I have some kind of opinion that is legitimate in regard to this, as I hold a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice. This was one of the most heinous criminal cases of our day. Many other murders were more gruesome and sickening (after all, Caylee wasn't dismembered or beaten or starved to death), and I believe the public is so enthralled with this case because of the bizarre nature of the way the mother handled it. What mother who loves her child unconditionally goes ANY amount of time without reporting her missing (or drowned)? Then how sad that her jury, whether they were tired of sequestration in Orlando or simply evaluated this case based on lack of DNA or direct evidence, didn't accept that this mother was the criminal responsible for Caylee's death. At the end of the day, whether drowning or murder, Casey was responsible for that little girl. What has this world come to, that we can't hold parents accountable for the safety of their children?

My heart goes out to each and every person who got emotionally involved with this case. My heart goes out to anyone willing to harbor Casey Anthony or contribute to her freedom. My heart goes out to any COUNTRY willing to accept her as a visitor or resident, and my heart goes out to anyone FOOLISH enough to befriend her, aiding in her ability to prey on other victims.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST....God bless Jeff Ashton and the prosecutors of this case, who wanted nothing more than to bring justice to the death of this toddler, who stood to gain no promotion, salary increase, or other monetary gain from Casey Anthony's conviction. Mr. Ashton, may you enjoy your retirement and go on to teach young lawyers the importance of your role. ~LL

My gracious, where have I been?


Dear Representative/Senator,

I am writing to implore you to rally for “Caylee’s Law”. This effort is a necessary and obvious pursuit to ensure law enforcement is immediately aware of a missing or kidnapped child, and to hold the guardian(s) accountable for any delay in such reporting.

The Caylee Anthony tragedy will haunt this state, country, and the world forever. If only she had been reached sooner, a cause of death could have been established and justice immediately pursued, especially felony charges with definite evidence to prove it. What a talented team of prosecutors fighting to protect Florida citizens, fighting for justice for Caylee. Unfortunately there was no justice served, as the common sense of the jurors was set aside to fit the mold of the 25 page instruction for deliberation. The disgust and outrage of the public should come as no shock to you, as you understand a “competent” parent (or so she was proven by 3 mental health professionals) DOES NOT stand by and continue on with the beautiful life while her daughter is decomposing in the woods.

An atrocity has taken place in this great state, and as much as the “experts” will argue the criminal justice system “works”, I place blame on the red tape of the adjudication process, in not allowing certain evidence and witnesses that would have further proved Caylee’s fate. It is shameful; I am proud to be a native 3rd generation Floridian, but what a sad pathetic time for our judicial and legislative systems.

I would further ask that you support a “3-strikes” type law, commanding life in prison after 3 felonious convictions. I am certain next week Ms. Casey Anthony returns on her way to the life of a textbook sociopath…therefore Central Florida should take heed.

Please take notice of these points. You have much power in the eyes of the public, your private voting citizens.

Thank you.

Laura Lamphere, M.S. Criminal Justice
Mother of Four